Individual Award
Unsung Hero

About the Award
We all know someone who works tirelessly behind the scenes to support, inspire and engage others. This award is for them!
Unsung heroes make a significant positive impact on the day-to-day life of the school by positively impacting the experiences of students. Whether it is an exceptional teaching assistant, a security guard that warmly welcomes students to school every day, or a janitor who brings joy, we want to celebrate them!
AED 50,000
Cash prize for the winner.
Any member of non-teaching or auxiliary staff of a public, private or Charter School in Abu Dhabi submitted through the school principal.
Submission Requirements
Your submission must include the following:
An outline on what makes the nominee an unsung hero and why they deserve this award. The actions of the unsung hero should not be part of his/her job duties or linked to any financial rewards and they should inspire the highest standards of ethics and integrity (max 250 words).
Examples of how the nominee’s work has made a difference (max 200 words).
Up to five supporting statements and evidence from colleagues, managers and/or parents (max 200 words).
A video including stakeholder testimonials (not exceeding 3 minutes), to support your application. Your video will be a chance to further demonstrate the unsung hero’s efforts and impacts in a visual and authentic way and to promote him/her to an Emirate-wide audience.