Most Improved - ADEK Awards
School Award
Most Improved
About the Award
To support ongoing performance improvement, schools in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi undergo regular inspections under a quality framework with clearly defined performance standards based on internationally recognized best practice.
This award, which is celebrated every two years, is dedicated to schools that have implemented highly effective school improvement projects with demonstrable impact and noteworthy outcomes towards improving student outcomes and the delivery of quality education.
AED 200,000
Cash prize to be spent towards school improvement initiatives.
All schools in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi (public, private and Charter Schools).
Submission Requirements
Your submission must include the following:
Overview of the school, including names and designations of key personnel responsible for leading the school improvement project (max 100 words).
Rationale which underpins this particular school improvement project for your school (max 250 words).
Description of the school improvement project, highlighting its goals, target group and success measures (max 250 words).
Outline of the approach used to establish a baseline and demonstrate the impact of the school improvement project (max 250 words).
Qualitative and/or quantitative data, which demonstrates that the school improvement project has positively impacted your intended target group (max 250 words).
Up to five photographs and/or a video including stakeholder testimonials (not exceeding 3 minutes) to support your application. Your video will be a chance to explain your school improvement project in a visual and authentic way and promote it as well as your school to an Emirate-wide audience.